
Below, find a living bibliography related to themes of urban social reproduction, urban infrastructures, and political transformation. We welcome suggestions for additional publications

Beyazit, E., Waite, I.A., Balik, H., Erturan, A. and Keşan, B., 2023. Improving women's accessibility to public transport through participatory street experiments: The case of Maltepe, Istanbul. Journal of Urban Mobility, 4, p.100062.

Beyazit, E. and Sungur, C., 2019. Working women and unequal mobilities in the urban periphery. In A Companion to Transport, Space and Equity (pp. 147-166). Edward Elgar Publishing.

De Coss-Corzo, A. (2022). Working with the end of water: Infrastructure, labour, and everyday futures of socio-environmental collapse in Mexico city. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 0(0).

Farris, S. R., Horton, A., & Lloyd, E. (2024). Corporatisation and financialisation of social reproduction: Care homes and childcare in the United Kingdom. Environment and Planning F, 0(0).

Hall, S.M., 2023. Social reproduction, labour and austerity: Carrying the future. The Sociological Review, 71(1), pp.27-46.

Hall, S.M., 2022. Reproduction, life-course and vital conjunctures in the context of austerity. Medical Anthropology, 41(6-7), pp.732-746.

Horton, A. and Penny, J. (2023), Towards a Political Economy of Social Infrastructure: Contesting “Anti-Social Infrastructures” in London. Antipode, 55: 1711-1734.

Kapsali, M., 2020. Political infrastructures of care: Collective home making in refugee solidarity squats. Radical Housing Journal, 2(2).

Kapsali, M., 2023. Grassroots temporary urbanism as a challenge to the city of austerity? Lessons from a self‐organised park in Thessaloniki, Greece. The Geographical Journal.

Karaliotas, L. and Kapsali, M., 2021. Equals in solidarity: Orfanotrofio’s housing squat as a site for political subjectification across differences amid the “Greek crisis”. Antipode, 53(2), pp.399-421.

Karaliotas, L., 2024. Infrastructures of dissensus: repartitioning the sensible and articulating the political through the occupation of Greece’s public broadcasting service. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 42(2), pp.268-286.

Katsikana, M., 2021. Gender in resistance: Emotion, affective labour, and social reproduction in Athens. A feminist urban theory for our time: rethinking social reproduction and the urban, pp.92-114.

Koutlou, A., 2023. Lived experiences of utilities‐based indebtedness in Greece: Tracing the afterlives of austerity. The Geographical Journal.

Penny, J. (2020). ‘Defend the Ten’: Everyday dissensus against the slow spoiling of Lambeth’s libraries. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 38(5), 923-940.

Ponder, C. S. (2023). “Cuando Colón baje el dedo”: the role of repair in urban reproduction. Urban Geography, 44(9), 1853–1873.

Ponder, C., Longhurst, A., & McGregor, M. (2021). Contracting-out care: The socio-spatial politics of nursing home care at the intersection of British Columbia’s labor, land, and capital markets. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39(4), 800-817.

Santamarina, A., 2024. Racial Capitalism, Political Reproduction, and the Commons: Insights from Migrant Solidarity Politics in Glasgow. Antipode, 56(1), pp.229-248.

Stokes, K., & De Coss-Corzo, A. (2023). Doing the work: Locating labour in infrastructural geography. Progress in Human Geography, 47(3), 427-446.

Temenos, C., 2017. Everyday proper politics: Rereading the post‐political through mobilities of drug policy activism. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42(4), pp.584-596.

Temenos, C., 2017. Minor theory and relational urbanism. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 35(4), pp.579-583.