
During a closed session as part of the 2024 workshop, academic and community-based organization participants created a zine together. The workshop was led by Austerity Altered and Inspire Women Oldham

The zine making workshop brought together scholars, activists and community organisations to share and discuss the groups’ everyday experiences and work, connections, differences, alliances and solidarities through a creative and playful zine-making activity.

" It was so wonderful to connect with so many people from around the world and learn about their work.  The highlight for me was creating something from those collaborative conversations that will remain always, thank you" . Sally Bonnie, Inspire Women

“A really intimate, collaborative and illuminating experience, working on something together with fellow organizations and individuals who had the similar challenges and celebrations as me in our sector”. Clare Courtney, Heart&Parcel

“This was my first experience of collective zin making online and I thoroughly enjoyed. While I was hesitant at the first, the shared canvas of the zin enabled our different stories to meet and converse, it opened up unexpected connections between our research pathways, our experiences and thoughts”. Lazaros Karaliotas